Into the "examples" sub-directory you will find a collection of
namelists and Netcdf files to test SOSIE for different kinds of
setups. For each example you will find a commented and working
namelist (namelist.exampleX) detailing the relevant namelist
We encourage you to use a software
like ncview
to visualize files to be interpolated and interpolated files.
common approach to test a given example (# X):
>> cd examples/
>> tar zxvf data.tar.gz
>> sosie.x -f namelist.exampleX
• Example #1: basic 2D scalar field interpolation
of Reynolds
(2002) Long Term Mean SST onto the ORCA1 grid (illustrated on
Fig. 3-4).
Do the interpolation:
>> sosie.x -f namelist.example1
Check the newly created
• Example #2: 3D scalar field interpolation
3D interpolation
of Levitus
(1998) temperature climatology onto the ORCA1 grid (only march).
>> sosie.x -f namelist.example2
Check the newly created
• Example #3: Interpolation from an irregular (ORCA1) to a
regular lat-lon 1x1 deg. grid
2D interpolation of a SST snapshot from a random NEMO-ORCA1 simulation
onto lat-lon 1x1 deg. grid using the bilinear algorithm
(illustrated on Fig. 5-6).
>> sosie.x -f namelist.example3
Check the newly created
• Example #4: Interpolation and correction of a 2D vector field
from a regular lat-lon 1x1 deg. grid to the tripolar ORCA1 grid
As the ORCA family of grids gets distorted in the northern hemisphere it
is necessary to correct (i.e. rotate) both components of the vector. In
this example the input vector field is the wind at 10 from a few
6-hourly snapshots of the ERA-INTERIM reanalysis.
>> cd examples/ex_corr_vect/
Do the "raw" interpolation for the zonal component of the
>> sosie.x -f namelist.example4_O1t_x
Do the "raw" interpolation for the meridional component of the
>> sosie.x -f namelist.example4_O1t_y
Now that uraw_1x1-deg-ORCA1_grid_T.nc4 and
uraw_1x1-deg-ORCA1_grid_T.nc4 are created, time to
correct onto the T-grid:
>> corr_vect.x -G T -f namelist.example4_O1t -m ../data/mesh_mask_ORCA1v2_light.nc4
Check the newly created u10_1x1-deg-ORCA1_grid_T.nc4
and v10_1x1-deg-ORCA1_grid_T.nc4 (vector components on T-points of the grid).
It is possible to do the same correction onto U,V grid points rather than T points:
>> corr_vect.x -G U -f namelist.example4_O1t -m ../data/mesh_mask_ORCA1v2_light.nc4
Check the newly created u10_1x1-deg-ORCA1_grid_U.nc4
and v10_1x1-deg-ORCA1_grid_V.nc4.
• Example #5: 2D regular lat-lon to polar stereographic
Interpolation of high-resolution surface 2-meter air temperature
from ECMWF onto a polar stereographic projection of
the Arctic.
Do the interpolation:
>> sosie.x -f namelist.example5
Check the newly created
• Example #6: 3D interpolation from ORCA2 to ORCA1 tri-polar grids
Interpolation of a random 3D+time monthly salinity field on the ORCA2
grid to the ORCA1 grid using the bilinear method.
Do the
>> sosie.x -f namelist.example6
Check the newly created